Set up secure certificate for Cheaper Easier Faster Traffic School website
Tested Texas drivers license system which logs into the Texas website to purchase and download customers drivers license printout. Re-write sql and display for the student search results page. This page was original to the system and used a loop wend, now changed to an array also had a number of joins which I have reduced. Now the page displays nearly instantly. Optimized sql on the 8 Arizona Control Panel so that the counts that display on the navigation bar are now all in one sql statement. Was still too slow, moved it into a view. Speed up sql queries on admin pages for Arizona students where their course/ticket information is double-checked and then they are moved forward
Added counts next to links for audits for Arizona (registered count to audit and completed student count to audit). Because of the duplicate and exacting nature of the Arizona system for handling tickets all input has to be audited for mistakes. Change Final Test Questions for Texas course Technical Support - resolve user issues at code level Updated California student edit page to display course section the student is on when taking the Mature Driver Course.
Created students completed report for each platform that shows the students completed and the method of completion. This report will help confirm that the automated processes for handling student records is working. Update display for the Arizona defensive driving school, missing count of those to be completed in nav bar where staff can see it.
Working on enhancing the payment system for the California dmv site, make more ajaxy Checked organic positioning, sales, put out social media marketing. Created report to show students who pay but do not complete the final test (California)
Added twilio powered voice notification to students to complete their final exam for California Found students stuck in the dmv process for Alameda Updated Adwords accounts, getting to the point of spending 20K a month, paused a few expensive keywords to see if the less expensive keywords will pick up the slack since the budget was being reached before the end of the day. Technical Support Called Texas Motor Vehicles and updated the password (done every 90 days) for the system that creates identity verification questions from motor vehicle records.
Sent reminder to Marla to update Texas course with new vehicle laws Checked organic positioning to review what next to improve for the websites rankings Technical support on Texas Driver Record to review why a customer ordered the service but it did not come up at the end like it should have. Added Los Angeles Law Enforcement list to control panel student edit. Recently made this page which shows the status of each finished student in California. It shows the method of submission and the status if available |