Updated billing transaction report/export. Changed the interface from 2 steps to 1 step.
Test Arizona sites for compliance with regulations. Sent advertising cost figures to Borna Ordered more Texas Defensive Driving numbers from the Texas DPS
Forwarded new Texas website designs to Borna to review Worked on billing export, added additional fields, debugging issues. Updated billing system, added database field and updated billing scripts to save "ccAuthReply_amount" which is returned by CyberSource for auditing.
Reviewed quiz and final test changes from DMV renewal review. Conference call about changes to the billing export system, add shopping cart to the export and final test completed date. Update refund system to show void and partial refunds. Finished refund system changes and started working on billing export updates. Sent Marla the last 50,000 billing transactions from each of the platforms
Renewed and installed secure certificates Updated servers with latest hot-fixes, reviewed server logs, checked hard drives for space (x4 servers) Created initial "audit" report based upon my understanding of the needs:
Updated credit card in all advertising accounts
Added "Display Network" to Google Adwords campaigns. Removed bad downloads from Texas driver record and gave Jo the information to call the customers and have them download their record again. Sent graphic artist Texas site redesign layout and instructions to produce 3 sample websites. Diagnose 503 error |