Non-profits are operated by a small group of paid staff and a number of volunteers. Often non-profits do things the hard way because they are so busy they do not have time to implement new methods of communications. will make non-profit communications easy by using Voice and SMS features to instantly communicate, inform, raise participation, organize, and raise money. In development.
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Reviewed dmv serial number emailer changes
Worked to Combine websites designs on Old Easy course system, this way the course can be taken under the domain of any of the sites. Put blue clock rotating on click submit button onto two more pages on the new ca system that I didn't get to before. Now the new blue button is on every page (not launched). Using aspPDF converted DMV Surveys into a large pdf document that can be emailed to the California Department of Motor Vehicles
Audited students information and dmv certificate submissions Updated control panel student edit page to include dmv mandated text. Technical Support Revise/redesign Course System
1. Redesigned log-in system 2. Started designing system that checks the page the customer is on, making sure it is the right page 3. Developed new course lesson text display page. What has already been done 1. Shopping Cart > Already re-written 2. Billing > done but revise look to provide more help 3. Final Test > no need to change 4. Quiz > Already re-written To Do: 1. Finish page security (that the person is on the right page) 2. Configuration to allow billing anyplace during the course. 3. Update submit buttons 4. Add timer 5. Update page design Made report that shows Arizona credit card charges, shows them matched to what should have been charged, for auditing and assurance purposes.
Made sure all of the new AZ charges charge correctly. Fixed az court list control panel page, one court was not showing. Tested the other court list pages in the other systems to make sure they are perfected. Review CA rejected submissions, corrected issues and sent those back through. Misc other tasks. |