Spending $15 a day on page likes at an average like cost of .66 is an easy way to gain a following on Facebook. Normally Facebook likes cost about $1.50 each but I was able to get the .66 per like cost by finding the right image and text for the audience and very careful audience targeting.
This Google campaign was set up years ago and does not follow Google's best practices. But even so I have carefully managed the campaign to target audiences most likely to sign up, removing non-performing keywords, keeping the ad campaigns free of keywords that get zero to a low number of clients, and by adding multiple ads letting Google find the best ones to show. As you can see the per click is $2.50 or less in this very competitive field. I have two Google Adwords campaigns for this target market that are nearly identical and both perform excellent due to careful management.
For traffic school in Arizona you must send in your court documents to the school. Now students can text in their documents by taking a photo of them. This program handles associating the received images of the documents to the customers account. This now makes it very easy on customers who previously either hand to scan and upload or fax in their documents.
Here I grew two Yelp accounts from a few hundred visitors to thousands. I set the revenue estimates low below but the true revenue from all of those targeted visitors was in tens of thousands of dollars. All at zero cost, no paid ads.
Currently there are few ways for social media content creators to get paid from their work. The images they create entertain, inspire, and motivate but do little to generate any immediate revenue. Canvasmint.com will allow content creators to put a short link in their social media description and then post that along with the image. As people share, like, and comment on the images they will see the link and can follow it to see how they can get a copy of the image printed that they can keep or give away as a gift. In development.