Researched FOIA letter for Texas Defensive Driving student list from courts
Developed the letter, set up printing through control panel merging in the courts name and address. Testing printing and that it folds into the envelope window correctly. Misc other items. Texas Ecommerce Tracking
- Custom analytics screens to show progress/sales flow Texas Affiliate Program - Get affiliates - Advertise for affiliates in affiliate newsletters - Update to allow selling CA traffic school Texas Court Defensive Driving student Lists - Will need an uploader for each - Send mass email to courts asking for list - Send letter to courts Agent - has Texas insurance agents - Advertise for insurance agents Texas website redesign - County & court dynamic pages Texas Video Course - Approval Process - Take I Drive Safely Couse WikiPedia - Design wikipedia pages for texas courts, link to our content Paradise Valley (Arizona Court) has been added to all 10 schools. Tested the signup.
Jo had a problem printing from quickbooks but it ended up being a lack of disk space on drive c of the server. I freed up space and she was able to print again no problems Made account and moved it forward for Arizona/Chris When editing the account for Arizona/Chris I noticed one part of the control panel a little slow, I resolved that. I added Paradise Valley to all of the Quickbooks (as a vendor) for the 10 schools. I know Jo could do that but I wanted to make sure there are no problems when she goes to print the checks so I added it to each myself making a list of each one I added it to, making sure I added it to them all. Made Pinterest business accounts for each school Worked on Texas conversion tracking Created Facebook Pages and Tumblr blogs for each site, each traffic school company (18 traffic school sites)
Setup Facebook ads for each page. Added all of the Facebook and Tumblr pages to the social link system that I developed, which adds the link automatically to each site on the social link bar. |