Ordered more Texas Defensive Driving numbers from the Texas DPS
Forwarded new Texas website designs to Borna to review Worked on billing export, added additional fields, debugging issues. Updated billing system, added database field and updated billing scripts to save "ccAuthReply_amount" which is returned by CyberSource for auditing.
Reviewed quiz and final test changes from DMV renewal review. Conference call about changes to the billing export system, add shopping cart to the export and final test completed date. Update refund system to show void and partial refunds. Finished refund system changes and started working on billing export updates. Sent Marla the last 50,000 billing transactions from each of the platforms
Renewed and installed secure certificates Updated servers with latest hot-fixes, reviewed server logs, checked hard drives for space (x4 servers) Created initial "audit" report based upon my understanding of the needs:
Updated credit card in all advertising accounts
Added "Display Network" to Google Adwords campaigns. Removed bad downloads from Texas driver record and gave Jo the information to call the customers and have them download their record again. Sent graphic artist Texas site redesign layout and instructions to produce 3 sample websites. Diagnose 503 error Set up secure certificate for Cheaper Easier Faster Traffic School website
Tested Texas drivers license system which logs into the Texas website to purchase and download customers drivers license printout. Re-write sql and display for the student search results page. This page was original to the system and used a loop wend, now changed to an array also had a number of joins which I have reduced. Now the page displays nearly instantly. Optimized sql on the 8 Arizona Control Panel so that the counts that display on the navigation bar are now all in one sql statement. Was still too slow, moved it into a view. Speed up sql queries on admin pages for Arizona students where their course/ticket information is double-checked and then they are moved forward
Added counts next to links for audits for Arizona (registered count to audit and completed student count to audit). Because of the duplicate and exacting nature of the Arizona system for handling tickets all input has to be audited for mistakes. Change Final Test Questions for Texas course Technical Support - resolve user issues at code level Updated California student edit page to display course section the student is on when taking the Mature Driver Course.
Created students completed report for each platform that shows the students completed and the method of completion. This report will help confirm that the automated processes for handling student records is working. Update display for the Arizona defensive driving school, missing count of those to be completed in nav bar where staff can see it.
Working on enhancing the payment system for the California dmv site, make more ajaxy Checked organic positioning, sales, put out social media marketing. Created report to show students who pay but do not complete the final test (California)
Added twilio powered voice notification to students to complete their final exam for California Found students stuck in the dmv process for Alameda Updated Adwords accounts, getting to the point of spending 20K a month, paused a few expensive keywords to see if the less expensive keywords will pick up the slack since the budget was being reached before the end of the day. Technical Support Called Texas Motor Vehicles and updated the password (done every 90 days) for the system that creates identity verification questions from motor vehicle records.
Sent reminder to Marla to update Texas course with new vehicle laws Checked organic positioning to review what next to improve for the websites rankings Technical support on Texas Driver Record to review why a customer ordered the service but it did not come up at the end like it should have. Added Los Angeles Law Enforcement list to control panel student edit. Recently made this page which shows the status of each finished student in California. It shows the method of submission and the status if available Researched FOIA letter for Texas Defensive Driving student list from courts
Developed the letter, set up printing through control panel merging in the courts name and address. Testing printing and that it folds into the envelope window correctly. Misc other items. Texas Ecommerce Tracking
- Custom analytics screens to show progress/sales flow Texas Affiliate Program - Get affiliates - Advertise for affiliates in affiliate newsletters - Update to allow selling CA traffic school Texas Court Defensive Driving student Lists - Will need an uploader for each - Send mass email to courts asking for list - Send letter to courts Agent Surf.com - has Texas insurance agents - Advertise for insurance agents Texas website redesign - County & court dynamic pages Texas Video Course - Approval Process - Take I Drive Safely Couse WikiPedia - Design wikipedia pages for texas courts, link to our content Paradise Valley (Arizona Court) has been added to all 10 schools. Tested the signup.
Jo had a problem printing from quickbooks but it ended up being a lack of disk space on drive c of the server. I freed up space and she was able to print again no problems Made account and moved it forward for Arizona/Chris When editing the account for Arizona/Chris I noticed one part of the control panel a little slow, I resolved that. I added Paradise Valley to all of the Quickbooks (as a vendor) for the 10 schools. I know Jo could do that but I wanted to make sure there are no problems when she goes to print the checks so I added it to each myself making a list of each one I added it to, making sure I added it to them all. Made Pinterest business accounts for each school Worked on Texas conversion tracking Created Facebook Pages and Tumblr blogs for each site, each traffic school company (18 traffic school sites)
Setup Facebook ads for each page. Added all of the Facebook and Tumblr pages to the social link system that I developed, which adds the link automatically to each site on the social link bar. Email tester - Sends all system emails to you at one time for review (all 4 systems)
Checked organic rankings on authoritylabs.com Updated database driven pages with new company hours Updated move forward feature to record who moved an Arizona student forward
Updated control panel to display more information about the registration, completion, and auditing of the student Updated auditing and moving forward asp pages to write more information to the database Developed a new audit system (on all 3 platforms for az). Uses the Reconciliation report from the Arizona state site with all students entered into their database.
Parses the license numbers then adds a new record into the log table for registrations, completions, and now this new record which says especially that for sure the person for no doubt is registered in Arizona system Tested printing and envelope fitting for Texas court letter
Resolved issue with 8az registration audit Updated 055 and 066 registration audit so that they will load because they were so behind they no longer would display. Went through ran reconciliation reports for all schools, removed the paid students, sent final reports to Marla. The reconciliation reports still have to be hand checked because they may have duplicate students from other schools, they have students who did actually pay but are still on the report anyway (not sure why). It will take awhile to audit all of those reports to put together a final list of unpaid students Researched FOIA law and found a form letter, I put it into the system content table just in case we want to use it for Texas courts. Often initially the first person in the court you contact has no idea what the defensive driving student list is (and some might call it something else). Yesterday I moved the new printer for Jo but didn't move back the old printer back to the Payless desk, so I did that first thing so the payless desk could print. Updated networked printer
Updated email unsubscribe link, the link was not working on one of the sites after the switch to mailjet.com link tracking Updated mailed solicitation letter for Texas when a person gets a ticket then pays for the defensive driving option at the courthouse. Modified the text, added violation information to the letter. Setup several jobs on Fiverr for marketing Technical support items Updated workstations with updated Arizona 'copier' program that copies data into the Arizona Court Database for defensive driving students.
Updated email text color (darker) Send affiliate checks, edit the affiliate letter before sending, test that letter prints out on printer so address shows through the envelope window. Setup letter to go to Texas courts, fit the letter into windowed envelopes, print out to the 1,785 Texas courts that I already imported into SQL Server. Added bit field to database to fllag when letter is mailed so it is not resent. Added table to database for social, yelp, and other review urls by website so that when we send affiliate letters these urls can be included for customer affiliates to go to and post reviews, share, etc to make more referral sales. Technical Support -- Here is a screen capture of the page that enters in the social/review sites to the database. Now when email goes out to affiliates it gives the affiliate a link to go to and post about the traffic school to bring in customers to their affiliate code Drove from San Diego to Los Angeles to the CoreSite systems data center near Union Station in Downtown LA. Mega Daily Report (emailed as pdf at midnight)
One each for 20 states Shows every static for every state. - Sales by item - # Students information audited - New signups - Completions - Top most popular counties signed up for - Audio read along's sold Took and passed Google Digital Analytics Fundamentals course
Created Yelp listing for Texas Defensive Driving Fixed link on Texas site that went out of date with url change Reviewed Search Engine Land newsletter and reviewed articles Rebooted servers, reviewed disk space. Setup two new laser printers, tested printing Certificates and set the printers as the default printer.
Resolved technical support items Reviewed mail promotion for Texas, will implement updates the the layout tomorrow. Edited Texas website graphics, text colors. Updated Yelp for Arizona Express Defensive Driving image, added yelp ads, claimed the listing. Misc other tasks |