Auction insights report from Commercial Insurance Campaign. As you can see, the impression share and position is higher then companies spending a greater amount on search ads. Having an average position of 3 puts the ads in the top 4 above the organic search results. Clicks result in more conversions because searchers are making an informed decision on the ad to click, looking at the top two before clicking the 3rd. This often results in conversions of greater then 35% without having to pay a premium to be in position one.
Recent custom web based sales tracking system for a local insurance company. Conversions for commercial insurance adwords. Doing this for 3 years now I find the first 9 months of the year is strong and the last 3 months are good but weaker. Click to view larger version. Viewed weekly below: 91 leads this month so far at $43 per lead generated. 188 clicks I am getting close to a 50% conversion rate.
One of my first database driven website development projects was a website builder/hosting system in 2000. Now in 2017 it is still going strong, the company decided to upgrade the menu from a simple drop down javascript menu to a "mega menu". What is nice about the mega menu is that you can add more descriptive help text... to cut down on your technical support. Menu is closed Menu is open
Demo of drag and drop website builder in Las Vegas this year. Just pull over blocks of structure to your page then edit. Professional webpage in just a few minutes.
This is an amazing date range picker for bootstrap templates but it doesn't come with any sample code for posting back to your webpage, the developer assumes everyone is a javascript expert.
Here is code to display the date range picker and post the information back the page on the querystring. <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { var start = moment().subtract(29, 'days'); var end = moment(); function cb(start, end) { $('#reportrange span').html(start.format('MMMM D, YYYY') + ' - ' + end.format('MMMM D, YYYY')); //alert("A new date range was chosen: " + start.format('YYYY-MM-DD') + ' to ' + end.format('YYYY-MM-DD')); //window.location.href = "/activity.html?start=" + start.format('YYYY-MM-DD') + '&end=' + end.format('YYYY-MM-DD')); } $('#reportrange').daterangepicker({ startDate: start, endDate: end, ranges: { 'Today': [moment(), moment()], 'Yesterday': [moment().subtract(1, 'days'), moment().subtract(1, 'days')], 'Last 7 Days': [moment().subtract(6, 'days'), moment()], 'Last 30 Days': [moment().subtract(29, 'days'), moment()], 'This Month': [moment().startOf('month'), moment().endOf('month')], 'Last Month': [moment().subtract(1, 'month').startOf('month'), moment().subtract(1, 'month').endOf('month')] } }, cb); cb(start, end); $('#reportrange').on('apply.daterangepicker', function (ev, picker) { //console.log(picker.startDate.format('MM/DD/YYYY')); //console.log(picker.endDate.format('MM/DD/YYYY')); window.location = "activity.html?s=" + picker.startDate.format('MM/DD/YYYY') + "&e=" + picker.endDate.format('MM/DD/YYYY') }); }); </script> Having a fully completed Google Business Listing can result in a lot of free advertising for your business.
Steps to a Good Organic Ranking in Google 1. On your homepage make the title tag "What Your Company Does" "Where Your Company Serves 90% of it's Business" "Action Term" Example: Cheap Business Liability Insurance for Contractors in San Diego & Los Angeles. Call us at 855-773-1100 2. Go to Yelp and other review and mapping sites. Sign up for free accounts and fill out all of the information plus put in your url. 3. Make some videos (using, post them to YouTube and put your website link and description into the video description text area. 4. Have some articles written for you, put them on your website and make sure the urls and content include your main service. 5. If you have local friends with businesses get them to link to you as a local business. "Visit xyz company for xyz service in 123 city". It only takes 3 or 4 links. This should be enough to start appearing on the first page of Google in not-too competitive industries. Be sure to buy Adwords with "Your company name" using phrase match (the quotes around your business name with a bid of $2.50 per click. Google will reduce the click price but this is a good starting point.
These are videos that I wrote the text for and found a designer to make them. Having video content allows you to market on video sites and put your url in the text describing the video, which helps build links to your site. Every website needs videos... if not on the site then on video sites. 9 lead form fill outs 4 Google click to call 6 Calls from tracking number after Google ad click Average cost per click $20.73. Cost per lead $37.32
When does it pay to spend $37 on a lead? The same lead sold by a vendor that deals in leads would be sold 5x times and would cost about $15 to $25 to buy. I have bought those leads before but it was a lot of work for the agents to sell, the competition was fierce, the agents didn't enjoy the experience.
This is the Google Adwords Partners page where they diagnose if you are eligible to remain in their program.
One feature of the lead management system that I have designed is that it allows for sales agents to find their incoming calls and convert those into leads to work through the leads funnel steps.
Every lead, including incoming phone calls are assigned to agents. From this page you can see the leads you assigned.
All incoming web leads go into this app to be distributed to each agent. Each phone call that comes into the company is turned into a lead and given to the agent who picked up the call and is helping the customer with a quote. This distribution system keeps a count of how many and to who the leads were given to each day so they can be equally (or inequality) distributed.
baseUrl = "" & accountID & "/Calls/" & callSID & "/Recordings"
'response.write remoteURL Set http = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP") "GET", baseUrl, False, accountID, passwordString http.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" http.send displayReturn = http.responSetext 'Get Twilio Response Set fn_xml = Server.CreateObject("msxml2.DOMDocument.6.0") fn_xml.async = False fn_xml.loadxml (displayReturn) on error resume next url = (fn_xml.selectSingleNode("//TwilioResponse/Recordings/Recording/Uri").text) recordingDuration = (fn_xml.selectSingleNode("//TwilioResponse/Recordings/Recording/Duration").text) recordingURL = "" & url & ".mp3" on error goto 0 set fn_xml = nothing Set http = Nothing set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") Const REMOTE_FILE_URL="" Call ShowRemoteFile Sub ShowRemoteFile Dim objXML, strContents, arrLines Dim x Set objXML=Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") 'read text file... objXML.Open "GET", REMOTE_FILE_URL, False objXML.Send strContents=objXML.ResponseText Set objXML=Nothing 'split into lines and read line by line... arrLines=Split(strContents, VBCrLf) For x=0 To UBound(arrLines) call writetoDB(arrLines(x)) 'response.write arrLines(x) & "<br><br>" 'Read out results for testing Next End Sub sub writetoDB(strLine) strLine = replace(strLine,"""","") strLine = replace(strLine,"'","") if len(strLine) < 15 then response.write "Finished Import" exit sub end if arrLeads = Split(strLine,",") 'Read out the results for testing 'For x=0 To UBound(arrLeads) ' 'call writetoDB(arrLines(x)) ' response.write x & ":" & arrLeads(x) & "<br>" 'Next 'exit sub BUSINESSACCT = arrLeads("0") DBANAME = left(arrLeads("1"),250) OWNERSHIPTYPE = left(arrLeads("2"),250) ADDRESS = left(arrLeads("3"),250) CITY = left(arrLeads("4"),250) ZIP = left(arrLeads("5"),250) STATE = left(arrLeads("6"),250) BUSINESSPHONE = left(arrLeads("7"),250) OWNERNAME = left(arrLeads("8"),250) CREATIONDT = left(arrLeads("9"),250) STARTDT = left(arrLeads("10"),250) EXPDT = left(arrLeads("11"),250) NAICS = left(arrLeads("12"),250) ACTIVITYDESC = left(arrLeads("13"),250) 'Skips the first line of the spreadsheet if BUSINESSACCT = "BUSINESS ACCT#" then exit sub strSQL = " IF NOT EXISTS" _ & " (" _ & " SELECT top 1 ID FROM newbusinessleads_sandiego WHERE BUSINESSACCT=" & cdbl(BUSINESSACCT) _ & " )" _ & " BEGIN" _ & " INSERT INTO newbusinessleads_sandiego" _ & (BUSINESSACCT, DBANAME ,OWNERSHIPTYPE, ADDRESS,CITY, ZIP,STATE, BUSINESSPHONE, _ & "OWNERNAME, CREATIONDT, STARTDT,EXPDT, NAICS ,ACTIVITYDESC)" _ & " VALUES" _ & " (" _ & cdbl(BUSINESSACCT) & "," _ & "'" & DBANAME & "'," _ & "'" & OWNERSHIPTYPE & "'," _ & "'" & ADDRESS & "'," _ & "'" & CITY & "'," _ & "'" & ZIP & "'," _ & "'" & STATE & "'," _ & "'" & BUSINESSPHONE & "'," _ & "'" & OWNERNAME & "'," _ & "'" & CREATIONDT & "'," _ & "'" & STARTDT & "'," _ & "'" & EXPDT & "'," _ & "'" & NAICS & "'," _ & "'" & ACTIVITYDESC & "'" _ & " )" _ & " END" if isnumeric(BUSINESSACCT) then rs.Open strSQL, CONNECTIONSTRING, 0, 1 end sub The end result is that each time the script runs it parses the remote CSV file from the county, it double checks the "businessaccount" field to make sure that even when it runs against the same data it won't make any duplicate entries into the SQL database... the data is imported and made available to the insurance salespersons when there is a lull in organic and adwords leads. Now that the data is in the database the salesperson can pull this data into the lead management system without typing.
Commercial insurance adwords campaign adding in call tracking after the initial adwords click over 50% conversion rate.
41% Conversion rate. I average monthly about a 35% conversion rate. Today things are starting out strong with a higher then usual conversion rate.
It has been awhile, but I have not posted that a few years back for CW TV station ( they licensed a calendar, project manager, and contact database system from me and contracted for some modifications to suit their needs.
2016-17 WorkExamples of my new work in 2016 and 2017 Archives
January 2018
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