Write concise ads designed to take the action you want with the goal to decrease your click rate. It is better to have a 3% to 8% click rate from people ready to take action then spurius interest clicks from someone who might be considering taking action six months from now. You don't want information seekers you want clicks from those ready to buy. With Google Ads I target bottom of funnel searchers that are ready to convert. Use cheaper Google Display Ads to find top-of-funnel interest seekers who might convert months or years from now. Be sure to take them to a page with a report or something they have to sign up for so you can put them into a funnel. This article is on Google Search Ads. Set your daily budget low to start The second you create your ad and it goes live you will find out that you made mistakes and will need to correct them. For example you might do business in one state but you just set your campaign to go live for the entire nation. Dumb things happen so set your daily budget to $20, let it run for a few hours, start fixing problems and increasing your daily budget as you have more confidence in your campaign. Add negative keywords right now Negative keywords will save you thousands of dollars in clicks that you would otherwise pay for people looking for other businesses. For example if you are John's Insurance but Sam's Insurance is across the street and you run an ad with the world "Insurance" with a radius of 5 miles from your office then if a person typing in Sam's Insurance will see your ad and click on it, easily at a cost to you of $10. for this example you want to make a negative keyword of Sam, Sams and Sam's immediately. The only way to make phrase and broad match work is to have hundreds if not thousands of negative keywords. This is the real work behind a successful Google Ad Search Campaign. Remember that clicks on Google Ads cost anywhere from $3 to $50 each. You have to put the work in to make sure your ad doesn't match any other action then for people looking to buy. Short list of Important Negative Keywords: information, phone, directions, article, near, street, drive, address, alexa, number, directions, map, video, teacher, global, without, consultant, photography, transportation, design, translator, instant, market, writing, directory, advertising, payments, access, auditor, eCommerce, sample, outline, graphic, united, park, webinar, bank, planning, education, sitting, entertainment, football, manager, fault, hospital, common, deals, assistance, contract, border, compare, dental, administration, labor, carrier, people, animals, bite, agency, freight, total, practice, stats, papers, american, enterprise, terms, permit, wallet, defense, contact, against, seasonal, smart, certificate, surplus, ideas, financing, captive, staffing, customer, force, partnership, privacy, different, responsible, uhaul, transport, revenue, minority, binding, wash, adjuster, Starbucks, limited, dispute, elements, parent, suit, usaa, interactive Exclude anywhere you don't sell The tricky thing about Google Adwords is that it will allow someone outside of the area you are targeting to bring up your ad if it seems they have the intent to purchase in your area. If I am in Florida and I type in California General Liability Insurance my ad will show. However the company I work with have poor results from those leads, they only want leads from customers in California. To achieve this I exclude individually every state they do not operate in. The image below shows how that looks. California is not excluded, the blue areas in California are where I have bid adjustments higher or lower based upon the regions performance. Now if you were to ask Google they would tell you this is unnecessary. It has been my experience no matter what targeting I set that I get leads from outside of the area. Even if I set it to exclude anyone not in the area. By manually doing exclusions this way, there is no question to it. This just works, it is not a waste of time :) You will find differing opinions on this but in my experience of 8 years running adwords every day... better to exclude and not worry about it. You only have to do it once per campaign. Keep working towards success This is a screen capture of my work for last month. Add on another 10% to the conversion numbers below to account for direct calls from the website being promoted through Google Adwords. Normally in insurance you lose money in the first year and make it up over time. With my advertising, this company makes money right away because there are enough sales from the conversions. It takes time to build strong campaigns. For example I have 4,000 negative keywords. As you run your search terms report to find how people are searching for your ads you will see many opportunities to ad negative keywords. Every day try to add 20 negative keywords. Eventually your ads will show every time to searchers ready to buy and force out information searchers. add 10% to account for direct phone calls from landing page.
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