I have been thinking a great deal about link profiles and keeping your main websites clean from bad SEO ideas . This can be done by using all of those extra domains you have bought (I am sure you have a few unused) and creating some simple WordPress websites that are designed to market your main website much like affiliates driving in traffic but only your doing all of the creating not someone else.
Most domain name registrars offer a free or low cost website that they host for you. The other day I paid GoDaddy $37 for a years worth of hosting on a "managed wordpress" website. This is a great idea because this website is on your domain and on the registrars ip address so it is unique and separate from your own site (so Google doesn't get them confused). As you create your "mini-website" about your topic you can now try different marketing techniques on it. This allows you to experiment with ideas without hurting your primary website. For example I have made a number of websites targeting specific keywords, "long-tail" keywords they would be called. These keywords only drive a handful of visitors each day but if they make a purchase then I didn't have to pay Google Adwords for the click and just 1 sale per day adds dramatically to the bottom line. Some ideas are to use services on http://fiverr.com/ to do marketing to your new mini-site that is hosted by your domain registrar. Comments are closed.