If you’ve been looking to refine your YouTube campaigns recently, then I have some great news to share with you. Household income targeting has recently been launched for US YouTube campaigns, meaning that you can have even more control over your demographics. So what is it exactly? Household income targeting allows advertisers to target and view reporting based on a user’s household income. This targeting is broken down into the top 10%, 11-20%, 21-30%, 31-40%, 41-50%, and lower 50% of United States households; allowing you to target or exclude any of these income brackets within your YouTube campaigns. This is ideal for advertisers whose target customers fit into a particular income bracket. A company that offers financial support as a service might want to target lower brackets for example, while a company that offers investment consultation services might look to target the higher income brackets. To get started with household income targeting, simply access your YouTube campaign, click on the Video targeting tab, navigate to Demographics and then click on the Household income sub-tab. Comments are closed.
December 2017